
Friday, July 31, 2020

Our Fantastic Te Reo Māori

In Te Ngahere we have been learning to read a book that we have to pronounce Te Reo Maori words in. The title of the pukapuka ( book ) is called Ngā Mahi Pārekareka Kei Te Marae ( Fun At The Marae ). We are going to be reading the Māori version to the younger Tamariki ( children ) and they are going to read the english version. The  hard thing to do was pronouncing some of the Te Reo Māori words and the easy thing to do  was reading the words that I already knew and that helped me translate the sentences in english. Have you ever read a book in Māori before?

Friday, July 24, 2020

The Fun Last Day

On the last day of term 2 we had an amazing day, we watched a movie and we did some art that was based on Matariki. The movie we watched was called Coco and it was about a boy called Miguel who went into the land of the dead and he met his family that  died before he was even born. The art was super fun because we got to do feathers and we had four options and two of my friends and I did the one with the most detail  it was super fun we had to write our goals at the back of our feather and we are going to make a korowai out of them and everyone is doing a feather or two. What did you do on the last day of term 2 ?

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Te Ngaheres Amazing Tik Tok

 On Friday last week it was our assembly and at our assembly we did two Tik tok dances and we combined the two together. We practiced the tik tok for about two weeks the first Tik tok that we practiced was by Jawsh 685 and I learnt it very quick, the second Tik tok was super easy and it is by Chris Brown and it is called Take You Down. We had to memorise both tik toks for one whole week but I remembered it easily. It was super fun and it was nothing I have ever done before. I hope we can do some more and it could be a Tik tok or a different dance. The thing that was easy was leaning the dances and the thing that was hardest was dancing to the song . Do you know any Tik tok dances?